1. 3 sentences about yourself that you wouldn’t post on LinkedIn?
I dropped out of High School and University.
I got fired from a job delivering pizza supplies.
I developed electric ovens for heat treating rubies and sapphires that reached 1,900º C.

2. What will you be speaking about at East Meets West 2017 and where do you think that conversation will be going over the next 4 Trump-years?
My trip to Africa? 😉
How education needs to pivot from memorizing for tests to project based learning to be relevant in the 21st century.

I don’t think Trump will keep any of his campaign promises. He could easily start a war to keep people from focusing on how badly he will be trashing the economy.

3. In your opinion, what is the next major thing to change the world: VR/AR, AI, TransportTech (Hyperloop/Self-driving cars etc) or something else?
VR is nothing new. AR is Pokemon, so what? AI has been happening forever. Hyperloop is so “Popular Science”. Self Driving cars will cause massive unemployment.

Building a Moonbase will be very interesting and lead to all kinds of technological breakthroughs. We will become a multi-planetary species. Now that’s something.

4. Choose one and why: Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk for president on November 3, 2020?
Jeff Bezos is cruising and has big ideas for humanity. I choose Jeff for President in 2020.
Elon Musk is too busy building stuff to go to Mars.
Mark Zuckerberg is smart, but still acts like a kid.

5. Stranded on Kahoolawe with only 1 gadget that will work indefinitely – what is your gadget of choice?
Assuming that the rest of the world is still out there, a smart phone. It can help me find out how to do anything to survive and I can call for help if necessary.

