
1. 3 sentences about yourself that you wouldn’t post on LinkedIn?
(1) I am the self-appointed lead of #tacobellgroupies in the 500 Startups team Slack.
​(2) I am a huge fan of Sarah Cooper and published a blog post inspired by her, which got picked up by CB Insights.
(​3​​​​)​ I have been told by multiple reliable sources that I am very different online vs. offline. (or perhaps their way of telling me I’m incredibly boring IRL)

2. What will you be speaking about at East Meets West 2017 and where do you think that conversation will be going over the next 4 Trump-years?

3. In your opinion, what is the next major thing to change the world: VR/AR, AI, TransportTech (Hyperloop/Self-driving cars etc) or something else?
AI​ / machine learning will change the world much sooner than any other category and have significantly more impact because the use cases are far-reaching. We already see the impact in consumer-facing products (ex. chatbots, virtual assistants or concierges, content curation/discovery), as well as harder problems in security, healthcare, education, fintech, etc. IMO the benefits of AI will outweigh the risk. Worst case, if things turn into Skynet, we can send the Terminator back in time to protect John Connor.

4. Choose one and why: Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk for president on November 3, 2020?
Those are the only choices? Surely there are female and/or non-white male candidates that should be on here.

5. Stranded on Kahoolawe with only 1 gadget that will work indefinitely – what is your gadget of choice?
Swiss Army Knife. I can use it to make an iPhone out of coconut shells, among other things.

